Vocal Workshop with Karen Pauley

As musical theatre performers we are expected to be able to sing in many vocal styles. Legit songs are often associated with the Golden Age of musical theatre and singers like Julie Andrews, but shows in this style are still being written and performed today.
Day 1
We will look at the history of legit musical theatre, from the beautiful songs of Rodgers and Hammerstein to modern composers like Frank Wildhorn. We will work together on a legit musical theatre song to allow us to explore the relevant vocal techniques such as legato singing, rounded vowels, vibrato, and simultaneous onsets.
Day 2 (limit of 12 students to present their songs, but it will be possible to observe)
After a warm-up you will be able to bring the song you want to sing and there will be time for you to receive feedback and to work on your vocal technique. The song does not need to be polished or finished and can be a work in progress. We will finish with an overview of the techniques that we have observed.
When: Saturday, September 11th 1pm-4pm & September 18th 1pm-5pm (JST)
Where: Zoom meeting
Payment: ¥2000 (One-time payment which includes BOTH sessions)
Buy Tickets: HERE
Materials needed:
A device on which you can access Zoom. A musical theatre song that you want to work on. You can sing the song a cappella or play a backing track.
About the instructor:

Karen has been singing for most of her life, has studied classical and contemporary styles, and has an Advanced Professional Diploma in Teaching Contemporary Singing. She is vocal director for TIP Youth, has been vocal director for five TIP shows, and also works with Tokyo Theatre for Children.